Friday, December 18, 2009

"Oh baby, oh baby, then it fell apart, then it fell apart" (moby: extreme ways)

When people search for their great love, or just for love, or for someone to fully understand them, for someone where they can be who they really are, or for someone to talk and then have sex, or for someone to have a "real connection" going on, or for the life-long husband/wife, in the end they just mean: I don't want to be alone, I am scared to be alone and I need someone to understand the things I am going through, I don't want to die alone. But the thing is, that you are and will be always alone: nobody won't ever be able to see the things from exactely the same perspective that you see them; nobody will ever show as much interest into another person, as they are interested in themselves; when you die, whatever happens to you then, you will have to go through it alone. We are all miniature worlds/plantes which orbit around eachother, sometimes orbiting together, sometimes repelling eachother, but never ever being able to truly "walk in someone's elses shoes" or orbit in another pathway. Oneself is always the most important person, I mean, aren't people just much more satisfied to be talking about themselves than to listen to other people talk? It is painful to live, knowing that.

by valjusha


  1. It's funny how you mention Extreme Ways. I see many parallels between what you write and the Bourne movies. Jason meets what's-her-face german gipsy girl. With no memory, think how alone he must feel. They fall in love and then she dies.

    I've seen so much in so many places
    So many heartaches, so many faces
    So many dirty things
    You couldn't even believe!

    Could she have been empathetic? No.
    Is it his fault she died? Yes.
    Was he only thinking of himself when doing what he did? ...

  2. Isn't life interesting, because there are different perspectives? Isn't it interesting to explore people's different points of view? Would you really like to meet a person with exactly the same past experience, taste and opinions as you? After all, would you really feel comfortable, if someone could completely understand you, see through you?

    Bear in mind: There will be someone in this world who can ease your pain!

  3. Detective.. I am very astonished by your ability to observe and think.. The title I gave to this post is so meaningful to me but I never would have thought that anyone would understand.. The song "extreme ways" is the one song I would name if somebody asked me about the song of my life.. I don't even allow myself to listen to it often, only on special occasions..

    Jazzmaster... Yes, I find it very interesting to meet a lot of different people and I would never want a boyfriend who is exactely the same like me; but what I wanted to say is, that in the end, you are alone with yourself and you have to bear yourself.
    You asked: "After all, would you really feel comfortable, if someone could completely understand you, see through you?" and this is a very good question! It is also very hard to answer.. I dont' know.. Maybe..
    Yes, there might be someone (or more) who will ease my pain a bit, but in the end I have to ease it for me myself.

