Tuesday, December 22, 2009

My Dream Camera

Right now I am in India, spending my days walking on the beach, musing on this and that, and daydreaming for hours on end.

Although I dearly love my Nikon, in the dreams of my daydreams, I've always wished for a Leica. A Leica camera is not just a camera, it is an extension of the eye. Leicas are legendary and were used by many of the famous photographers of the 20th century, mainly because of their superb build quality and reliability, but also because of their small, compact, inconspicuous build. Dozens of books have been written on Leicas.

In today's globalised digital world of cheap, plastic cameras that get replaced every year by new ones, Leica (of Germany) has had a difficult time surviving. They used to build cameras that lasted for a lifetime, they used to work for 10 years on a new model, before releasing it.

Right now, there is no material object I want more than a Leica. But I'm not sure which one. Either a Leica MP, which is an all-mechanical, analog camera using film, or a Leica M9, their newest creation, a digital camera.

Should I start shooting with film or stay digital? Digital is so much more practical and easier... but film has class. Film has style.

There is one major problem though: even just a lens by Leica costs several times more than my complete Nikon kit.

by bargayott

1 comment:

  1. I just see you before me, writing this, in india, far from a big city, it is night, you see the stars... I would get the camera which uses film, if I had to choose. Please let the next post be one of the photographs you shot during this stay in India, can't wait to see them!

    see you in the new year, valjusha
