Monday, December 7, 2009

It's just a restless feeling by my side (Velvet Underground: Sunday Morning)

"Törless hörte das Schlagen seines Herzens. Dann kam wieder ein leises, flüsterndes, versickerndes Rieseln....
Und diese Geräusche waren das einzig Lebendige in einer zeitlosen schweigenden Welt ...."
(Robert Musil: Die Verwirrungen des Zöglings Törless)

by valjusha
Ps: the first comment on this post will recieve a christmas present from me


  1. Love the pics..especially the one with kurt cobain....(and i want the present ;) )


  2. this doesn't count...bargayott, this is your blog aswell... how can u win something in your own blog...cheater...cheating in your own game


  3. Hey bargayott,
    wow, what a surprise! I would have never though that you would win! Still, I'll certainly give you a present!
    I was sure that the annoying Dunstable Dienstag would win the "comment competition"... Anyways, suka, first come, first serve! (This should be a lesson for everyone to check out our blog as much as possible ;-) )
    kisses valjusha

  4. I bet you bought the christmas gift just for Detective Dunstable and hoped him winning the competition and coming all the way to your house and receiving the gift at your doorstep under a mistletoe...

  5. hihihi si stat voll uf ihn!

  6. No actually I was hoping for the little "fresssack" to recieve the present... (I bought some christmas chocolate)
    But I'm sure that bargayott will give you some of his!
