Thursday, August 20, 2009


Hi everyone, after a long period of holidays and no internet (and a little blogger's block), I'm back again.

My holidays were mostly spent in India, battling fierce winds and stormy rains. It was fun, pictures will follow sometime.

Coming back to Zurich was awesome, its really, really hot here and I love it. In the last couple of days, the heat is becoming unbearable though, so here some tips on getting through:

  • Make fresh fruit-juice. Go to your local grocery store, get as many exotic fruits as possible, mix them up in a blender, add crushed ice, done!
  • Eat lots and lots of ice-cream. Avoid heavy flavors with too much milk. Go for sorbets instead.
  • Clean up the clutter in your room. A clutter-free environment makes for a clutter-free brain and a cooler space.
  • If you can afford to, take a nap when it really gets hot at around 2 Pm. An afternoon siesta has a double effect: you sleep through the main heat and you wake up fresh and rejuvenated.
  • Check out this cool website. It helps you relax.
  • Don't take yourself too seriously. Always works, in any situation, with anything.
  • Don't complain! Everybody else is feeling the same amount of heat.
  • Soak your feet in a bucket of cold water (drinking the fresh fruit juice you just made). It cools down instantly.
  • Eat spicy food. Why do you think people in hot countries eat spicy food? because it cools down! (Tip: If you're feeling really adventurous, drink hot water. It has an amazing cooling effect.)
  • If all else fails, just douse your head in cold water. Instant relief!

by bargayott

1 comment:

  1. Okay let me add one:
    -Stab someone in the back. That's cold.

    "Avoid flavours with too much milk. Go for sorbets instead." Oh you cruel man with your cruel, cruel vegan tactics.
