Sunday, May 2, 2010

I've been making a list of the things they don't teach you at school.

This will be an inspiration post, sort of like a moodboard, with all the things that have inspired me during the last weeks. First of all some poetry. The last weeks have been quite poetry filled. The Poem "Die Liebenden" by Bertold Brecht is one of the poems I want to know by heart and I started to learn it. Even though I actually shouldn't put anything into my brain other than school material required for the soon to be exams... Everyone who reads this blog regularly should be familiar with the fact, that I absolutely love pictures with words on it, well this fetish has evolved in a new form: I am now obsessed with movie stills! With subtitles on the still! I will also post some of them! Right now I am very happy. It just appeared to me, that everything is just going to be alright.
Just rediscovered the song "wir sind hier nicht in seattle Dirk" by tocotronic!
OH hahahahah, how funny is the "Gap Yah"? And I actually know some English people who talk and are exactly like this guy...


Sieh jene Kraniche in großem Bogen!
Die Wolken, welche ihnen beigegeben
Zogen mit ihnen schon, als sie entflogen
Aus einem Leben in ein andres Leben
In gleicher Höhe und mit gleicher Eile
Scheinen sie alle beide nur daneben.
Daß so der Kranich mit der Wolke teile
Den schönen Himmel, den sie kurz befliegen
Daß also keines länger hier verweile
Und keines andres sehe als das Wiegen
Des andern in dem Wind, den beide spüren
Die jetzt im Fluge beieinander liegen
So mag der Wind sie in das Nichts entführen
Wenn sie nur nicht vergehen und sich bleiben
Solange kann sie beide nichts berühren
Solange kann man sie von jedem Ort vertreiben
Wo Regen drohen oder Schüsse schallen.
So unter Sonn und Monds wenig verschiedenen Scheiben
Fliegen sie hin, einander ganz verfallen.
Wohin ihr? Nirgendhin. Von wem davon? Von allen.
Ihr fragt, wie lange sind sie schon beisammen? Seit kurzem.
Und wann werden sie sich trennen? Bald.
So scheint die Liebe Liebenden ein Halt.

by valjusha


  1. Fortunately, they don't teach you these things at school.

    One of the only poems I know by heart:
    Gerhard Rühm: zweidimensionales märchen

    u n k e
    n e i n
    k i n d
    e n d e

    Does it get easier? Do I want it to get easier?

  2. Valjusha, please tell me which movies the last three stills are from, they fascinate me...

    Haha and I almost fell out of my chair laughing at Gap Yeah!

    And the only poem I know by heart (as I've told you many times over the last years) is this one by Erich Fried:

    wie das Wort eigenartig
    es fast als fremdartig hinstellt
    eine eigene Art zu haben.


  3. Why fortunately?

    The only poem you know by heart is quite cool, but I'd still adivse you to learn some other poems. It seems to me as if knowing poems by heart is one of the things people don't do anymore nowadays, like writing letters.

    Maybe I don't want it to get easier, but it still hurts. And I want answers.


  4. Why fortunately? Do you really want to get graded at these things, so everyone can tell how good you are at them? How would you allocate the grades? Do you want everyone to have the same view, skill and knowledge about it?

    It's not the only poem i know by heart. It's one of the only poems I know by heart. But you're right. One should read more poems and write more letters.

    I don't know if I want it to get easier. Of course it hurts. Would you rather be comfortably numb?
    The first question I want to get an answer to: Who can give me the answers?

  5. (last comment was a response to jazzmaster)
    Now, bargayott: Hahaha, yeah, that poem belongs to you standard programm!
    I know! I just can't stop watching gap yah!!
    The last still is from "une femme est une femme" by Godard (!) (can now be seen in filmpodium) . The other two stills you asked about I don't know! But I've been occupied the whole morning searching for the name of the movie of the first of the last three stills. I absolutely love it: the "schallplattenspieler", the books, the furniture, the cigarette. So, if anyone who reads this could tell me from which film it is I would be sooo grateful.


  6. OMG, Jazzmaster! It is just crazy that you mentioned the expression "comfortably numb"! Because bargayott just introduced me to the song with this name by pink floyd! And I've been listening to it non-stop!
    And yeah, you're right, it would be difficult to grade it.
    But read that quote:
    "I've been making a list of the things they don't teach you at school.
    They don't teach you how to love somebody. They don't teach you how to
    be famous. They don't teach you how to be rich or how to be poor. They
    don't teach you how to walk away from someone you don't love any
    longer. They don't teach you how to know what's going on in someone
    else's mind. They don't teach you what to say to someone who's dying.
    They don't teach you anything worth knowing." — Neil Gaiman

    Of course, that is quite an hyperbole. Cause I think I learned some things worth knowing at school. Still, I'd love to have a class called "money-management", where I'd learn how to go about with my documents, insurances, money, etc. ;-)


  7. I had Pink Floyd playing while I wrote the comment. Have you seen their movie "The Wall"? Very good.

    Don't worry too much about money-management. It's easier than love-management or mindreading-management (subjectively speaking, of course).
    Organize and visualize (excel sheet, flow chart, your mind) your money, documents etc., don't cheat yourself and don't procastinate. Like this, you should get along with it pretty well.
