Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The End of Art?

by bargayott


  1. dont' get it. serîously... i'm trying... still doesnt make sense... maybe since this is a photograph and photography is a form of art you might try to convey the message that the beginning of art (your pic) is the end of art.. now that's deep... or just a crappy phantasy thats found its way onto that screen from my strange brain via my fingertips... it's a mystery

  2. Isn't it clear? It is a critical appraisal of modernism in society. The table-chair-bowl motif represents food, life and essentials; which is in gross contrast to the industrial insinuation of lids and cans. The paint bottles, which - under close examination turn out to be paint thinners - evoke an image of medicinal drugs, strengthening the contrast to this dish's palatability. An plethora of decay, stimulated by the rust and the toxic substances, contaminates the innocence of bright primary colors; the image is of an immature, forced and far-fetched character, which can only have originated from the haughtiness of an insipid young attention whore!
    ... but I do like the colors.

  3. Mr. Dunstable, I concur!

    There is a political approach to the picture, too: Red represents the Warsaw Pact while blue and silver symbolize the NATO forces. The pencils are a metaphor for the camouflaged nuclear cruise missiles positioned in Cuba and Turkey. Obviously, the photographer confused east and west on the map. I can't relate this picture to art in any way, though...

  4. You guys are insane...

  5. Of course and luckily, we are. Otherwise we would be nothing more than anonymous people among millions of others.

    (Maybe, we still are, but at least we have the illusion to be different!)
