Sunday, August 30, 2009

3 Movies I'm looking forward to

New York, I Love You

In the city that never sleeps, love is always on the mind. Those passions come to life in NEW YORK, I LOVE YOU – a collaboration of storytelling from some of today’s most imaginative filmmakers and featuring an all-star cast. Together they create a kaleidoscope of the spontaneous, surprising, electrifying human connections that pump the city’s heartbeat. Sexy, funny, haunting and revealing encounters unfold beneath the Manhattan skyline.

The star studded cast includes Bradley Cooper, Chris Cooper, Ethan Hawke, Christina Ricci, Andy Garcia, Hayden Christensen, Orlando Bloom, Natalie Portman, and Irrfan Khan.

An Education


It’s 1961 and attractive, bright 16-year-old schoolgirl, Jenny (Carey Mulligan) is poised on the brink of womanhood, dreaming of a rarefied, Gauloise-scented existence as she sings along to Juliette Greco in her Twickenham bedroom. Stifled by the tedium of adolescent routine, Jenny can’t wait for adult life to begin.

One rainy day, her suburban life is upended by the arrival of an unsuitable suitor, 30-ish David (Peter Sarsgaard). Very quickly, David introduces Jenny to a glittering new world of classical concerts and late-night suppers. David replaces Jenny’s traditional education with his own version, picking her up from school in his Bristol roadster and whisking her off to art auctions and smoky clubs.



I'm not going to include a description here, suffice to say: the film is about love. I'm sure Valjusha will enjoy it, in fact, we should watch it together.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

"any time, any way, you're my playground love"

In this short post I want to share with you two clips. They both have something to do with the film "The Virgin Suicides" by Sofia Coppola. I read the book and saw the film. Like always the book is better. Still I can recommend the film: love the 70ies atmosphere; Lux is the perfect role for Kirsten Dunst and the music is great!
The first clip is a scene from the movie. Just watch it and see how passionate the whole scene is. Pay attention to the mesmerizing haircut of the boy... And again, the cool music!
The second clip is a music video to the song "highschool lover" by air, which was the soundtrack for the movie. Beautiful and a bit melancholic song. I can imagine listening to it, while lying in the grass, on a hot summerday, just wearing a light dress, observing the clouds and dreaming of love.
by valjusha

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Adivasi Way

This is an photo of an Adivasi (Aboriginee) boy I took in India. I observed him for quite a while before taking his photograph, as he was playing around with crabs in the rice fields of rural Kashid.

Let me tell you some things about the Adivasi.

The Adivasi are the indigenous dwellers of India, keeping their ancient, traditional lifestyle up to the beginning of the 20th Century, after which modernization hit them. Much of the Adivasi culture is now lost to us, due to government reform programmes, education, and exploitation.

Some aspects of their life still remain though, which are fascinating, looked at from our (supposedly) educated, westernized viewpoint.

Adivasis never had a concept of money like we do, so even today, an Adivasi does not grasp the idea of money. In particular, the concept of 'saving up' money to spend later is lost on the Adivasi. Most of the money earned by them, through day-labour, rice-planting etc, is spent the same day on alcohol and dope.

Which basically means, that they sing and dance their way through the day, drunk and stoned.

Another interesting aspect of their culture is their lenient views on sexuality. The Adivasi man or woman sleeps around frequently, as their social structures don't condemn extramarital affairs. They don't even get 'married', they simply try out different partners, choose one and have children.
This more relaxed ethic on sexuality, as opposed to the traditional, rigid, christian doctrine of monogamy, does seem a bit freeing.

So can we learn something from this ancient way of living? A lot can be learnt from the past, we just have to go searching for it.

by bargayott

Sunday, August 23, 2009

"Video killed the radio star"

It's posing time nr. 1

It's posing time nr 2

In the center of the dancefloor

Happy girl at the roller disco

View from behind

Red-leggings girl dancing with afro guy ;-)

The only time you can wear your sunglasses at night without being on a one-way trip to DOUCHEVILLE

Posing time nr 3

"Everybody is Kung Fu fighting"

Ps: The girls in the white dress did win the prize for the best costume! A "rollex" ;-)
Pps: click on the pics to see more details!
Ppps: To get some more rollerdisco inspiration watch this clip:

by valjusha

Saturday, August 22, 2009

The 90ies

Once upon a time, in the hallway of my school, the infamous Stäfaahn walked by me. Mesmerized by his haircut I heard how he said: "the wild 90ies", to one of his friends. I thought: Wow, that's great, finally someone who loves and appreciates the 90ies as much as I do!

The next day I approached him and said: "Hey! The wild 90ies!!!". He looked at me as if
I was a cyclops. The redness factor of my face gradually went up and the movement of my hands increased. I explained to him that I heard him say this sentence and how absolutely fantastic it is that we're sharing the same passion. "Oh, I was just talking about the Simpsons episode with this title........."

I left as quickly as I could...

You see, this just shows how the fantasies you project onto other people are much more interesting than what reality turns out to be.

On this post I will explain you my passion for the 90ies:

let's start with the picture above (no idea how I can put a pic below the things I write!)

THE SMASHING PUMPKINS. Just look at their style! Their haircuts!

I love how black was omnipresent and how the girls wore dark red lipstick.

Their song "ava adore" is one of the greatest love songs:

"You'll always be my whore

You'll be the mother to my child

And a child to my heart

We must never be apart"

"You'll be a lover in my bed

And a gun to my head"

"In you I feel dirty

In you I count stars

In you I feel so pretty

In you I taste god

In you I feel so hungry

In you I crash cars

We must never be apart"

Other than the fashion and the music of the 90ies I like "Beverly Hills 90210".

I think that my faible for this time comes out of the unconcious. The 90ies are the time when I was a little kid. I never participated at any of these fashions, but my unconscious self must have taken up the scent of this period. Now I feel nostalgia everytime I see something from the 90ies.

What is your fav. time period? Post a comment below!
by valjusha

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Hi everyone, after a long period of holidays and no internet (and a little blogger's block), I'm back again.

My holidays were mostly spent in India, battling fierce winds and stormy rains. It was fun, pictures will follow sometime.

Coming back to Zurich was awesome, its really, really hot here and I love it. In the last couple of days, the heat is becoming unbearable though, so here some tips on getting through:

  • Make fresh fruit-juice. Go to your local grocery store, get as many exotic fruits as possible, mix them up in a blender, add crushed ice, done!
  • Eat lots and lots of ice-cream. Avoid heavy flavors with too much milk. Go for sorbets instead.
  • Clean up the clutter in your room. A clutter-free environment makes for a clutter-free brain and a cooler space.
  • If you can afford to, take a nap when it really gets hot at around 2 Pm. An afternoon siesta has a double effect: you sleep through the main heat and you wake up fresh and rejuvenated.
  • Check out this cool website. It helps you relax.
  • Don't take yourself too seriously. Always works, in any situation, with anything.
  • Don't complain! Everybody else is feeling the same amount of heat.
  • Soak your feet in a bucket of cold water (drinking the fresh fruit juice you just made). It cools down instantly.
  • Eat spicy food. Why do you think people in hot countries eat spicy food? because it cools down! (Tip: If you're feeling really adventurous, drink hot water. It has an amazing cooling effect.)
  • If all else fails, just douse your head in cold water. Instant relief!

by bargayott