Thursday, July 2, 2009

Summer holidays are two days away and even though we don't have to clean out the lockers, the pic above made me a little sad. I just finished watching the first season of Beverly Hills 90210 (the old one, from the 90ies) (love the clothes, yes J. ;-) ) and the high school there is exactly a place where one could find secret love notes in the locker. Well, in every other fictive high school as well. Not in our. One year left and then I will never be able to watch high school flicks, as I just won't be interested and I just couldn't relate to it anymore. Isn't it sad? So many movies, series, songs, books are inspired by the period of life I'm still experiencing and then, just in one year this "period" will be gone for ever!

To everyone who's still in high school: Please, make this place a little more like a bad teeny flick! Write secret love notes! Do a prom (or go to the "Rämiball" ;-) ) ! Don't dress yourself so grown up! Gossip! Decorate your locker with pictures of movie stars (girls) or with hot babes (boys)! Try out playing in a band! Have a summer job! Write things on the desk! And sing "I love you baby" like Heath Ledger in 10 Things I Hate About You in front of the whole school, just to prove your love! Hey, make it seem like a soap opera and you will always have funny memories you can tell your grandchildren!

by valjusha


  1. haha i feel you. but dont you ever look back and regret something, learn from it and move on.
    you a girl by teh w?

  2. Ok, I will try not to look back and regret!
    And yes, I'm a girl, but bargayott is a boy.

    Thanks for following!


  3. I totally agree with you! high school should be the time when you can be really embarassing and goofy!we should definitely appreciate our high school time way more than we do!let's make our last year one to remeber, let's make a soap opera of our one! ( love the clothes as well V!)
    xoxo J
