Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wednesday's not so useful (but still great) skills

My plan is to make a post every Wednesday, about a skill you don't need for surving but that can still come pretty handy in todays world.

Skill nr. 1

Did you ever notice that there exists the perfect cornflakes-to-milk ratio for every bowl?
I perfectionized the art of pouring in exactly as much milk as needed to not make the flakes too dry and still not oversoak them! (pretty proud of me)
For all the beginners out there: start slowly! Take a bowl; grab your favourite cornflakes/rice crispies/cinnamon-whatevers and fill 2/3 of the bowl with them; then take the fresh milk out of the fridge and start pouring; you stop, as soon as you can see some milk coming up the corner of the bowl, under all the flakes; then you take a deep breath and with a quick arm-movement you add another splash of milk!

crunchy kiss,

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