Thursday, September 24, 2009

Seifenblasen HB (Zürimprov)

On Saturday the 19th of September I experienced my first flashmob! Organized by Zürimprov we all met to fill the main trainstation in our city with bubbles, for 5min.

This is the guy who organized everything. Finally a cool saying on a t-shirt: "Go love your own city" !
We even met some friends!

Between 300-500 people participated!

Would be a great pic, but where are the bubbles???

Our group.

People started to take pictures of us and many wondered what was going on.

Why are bubbles so fotogenic?

Did it bring back old childhood memories?

A lady approached us and asked if she could try as well ;-)

Huge bubble!

Misha in the sky with diamonds.

Some really made an effort!

Great experience, good crowd. (hahaha, the two in the middle were caught in their bubble-dreamworld, eyes closed, just letting the breath flow, creating glossy bubbles)

Wanna know what the newspaper wrote about it:

I must give huge credits to the photographer Bargayott! The pics just really show the nice atmosphere and somehow the bubbles look even better than in real life!
Ps: This was the secret mission...
by valjusha

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wednesday's not so useful (but still great) skills

My plan is to make a post every Wednesday, about a skill you don't need for surving but that can still come pretty handy in todays world.

Skill nr. 1

Did you ever notice that there exists the perfect cornflakes-to-milk ratio for every bowl?
I perfectionized the art of pouring in exactly as much milk as needed to not make the flakes too dry and still not oversoak them! (pretty proud of me)
For all the beginners out there: start slowly! Take a bowl; grab your favourite cornflakes/rice crispies/cinnamon-whatevers and fill 2/3 of the bowl with them; then take the fresh milk out of the fridge and start pouring; you stop, as soon as you can see some milk coming up the corner of the bowl, under all the flakes; then you take a deep breath and with a quick arm-movement you add another splash of milk!

crunchy kiss,

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Vogue Paris, September 09. Pictures,tfs. (a pic out of a fotoshoot inspirated by one of my favourite bands: Blondie)

Bargayott is soooo lazy to my dismay...

I hope you, my dear readers, will still continue waiting for a great post...
Anyways! This Saturday I'll do something special, it's still top secret, so I can't tell you anything about it! But as soon as the mission is accomplished I will make a post!

This is such a cute video, specially dedicated to a girl: A. , who likes food as much as I do and maybe even a little bit more ;-)

stay tuned,

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Московский метро

The Moscow metro is the symbol of all that i like in Mosow. Sometimes I spend nearly a whole day in it, just driving around.

First thing that meets me is the hot air when you enter the doors. Then the long, longer, the longest escalator awaits me for a ride under the earth. For you to imagine how long they are actually, watch this:

These escalators are the best place for exchanges of flirtacious views... One escalator drives up and the other down. This scene is a very good example for that (you can watch the whole trailer or to just see the two scenes go to 1:28):

Other lovely thing: the metro halls are usually built like a palace. ("a palace for the plebs") (see pic above)

You can see special people; you can see a part of Moscow's 11 million inhabitants!

The trains are extremely fast!

(beautiful women)

GO to Moscow and take the metro. (Do not ever take it when there was a soccer match! (I experienced that once and it was scary, if you want to know more, just ask me))

by valjusha